About the People

Fundacion Mahatma Ganhdi
     The foundation started in 2003 providing uniforms and clothes to children and vastly grew to a library of over 8,000 books in five languages and an international school with over fourteen nationalities of children. Foundacion Mahatma Gandhi is a service oriented, not-for-profit, non-governmental and non-partisan organization. In a community with limited opportunity for personal growth, this organization plants a seed for hope of a more wholesome, fruitful and creative future. Predominantly a volunteer organization, Foundacion Mahatma Gandhi is dedicated to transformative leadership, pursuing the best in people and organizations while struggling to remain authentic. It seeks to enrich the members of its community through activities aimed at the personal, professional, intellectual, social, educational and cultural development.


ACES North America
Williamsport, Pa

In 2002, a group of dedicated Dominicans formed a group to serve communities in the Santo Domingo region with the goal of breaking the cycle of generational poverty. In 2005, Linell Stabler (Current ACES President) had the opportunity to go to see the work this group was doing and finding it fascinating, she expanded the group to the United States. Over the past 9 years, Linell and other passionate individuals like her have been able to make incredible strides in helping facilitate sustainable projects in the Dominican Republic. ACES, an acronym for Advancing Communities by Educating and Serving, is a 501c(3) non profit organization that works to improve the lives of impoverished people in the Dominican Republic. They do not have constrains for helping the communities, but rather, focus on creating an overall better lifestyle through health, education and business. The goal is to create a more sustainable solution and improve the standard of living for the people of the Dominican Republic. ACES supports sustainable grassroots projects and strives to empower individuals and communities for sustainable development.


Taylor Berry and Hannah Morrissette
     Taylor and Hannah are two young women from the United States that are here to focus on the advancement and completion of the mangrove restoration project and education in Las Terrenas. Together, they have unique abroad experience and knowledge in various fields. Both graduated from Lycoming College in May of 2015 and became involved with the project and Foundacion Mahatma Ghandi through a service trip through the Political Science department there. Hannah has a degree in Biology with an Ecology track and has personally done research on improving the water quality of river and lake systems. Her research will transfer directly to the restoration project here. Taylor has a degree in Political Science with a track in Legal Studies. Through studying the inter working and poltics of developing countries, her knowledge will help navigate the potential legal obstacles as well as a thorough documentation of their efforts.
     Both have spent time abroad. Hannah studied in France for a full semester which strengthened her ability to immerse herself in another culture, also enhancing her fluent French. Taylor's experience spans Guatemala and a previous trip to the Dominican Republic. Through their tandem experience, they hope to help this small corner of the world.


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