About the Project


Through a partnership between Foundacion Mahatma Ghandi and the surrounding community, the goal of the project is to form a relationship between Las Terrenas and the mangrove shores. Involve community, educate youth and partner with schools to create the environmental community project. We hope to even have some of the youth help plant the seedlings at some point.

The mangroves serve as a shelter for land animals and aquatic life. They are also a source of natural resources, shoreline protection, traps sediment, and is a source of food for other animals in the ocean, thus making their survival and restoration crucial to many aspects of life in Las Terrenas.

The nutrient cycle is also important as each part of the cycle plays an integral role in the ecosystem the mangrove thrives in. When the leaves fall from the trees, crabs graze on leaves, fungi breaks it down for fish and also smaller crustaceans. Then, bigger fish feed on the smaller fish and the remaining organic matter is taken up through the mangrove root system for nutrients, completing the cycle.

By creating an environmental awareness and community of dedicated locals who care about this issue, the project will have potential to grow. Thus, it is important to us that the people of Las Terrenas are involved. We plan to give presentations to the community and have students from both private and public schools learn about conserving both the mangroves and the ocean as well. We even hope for some field trips to plant the seeds with us!

This project is absolutely integral to the restoration of the beaches and ultimately the cycle of the ecosystem itself. Through the planting of more mangroves and education of the community, the aquatic ecosystem will be restored and hopefully grow exponentially.

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